
Hi, my name is Michael and I love coffee. Always have and always will, but it wasn't until 5 years ago that my love for coffee started to come to life. I was in my garage brewing a batch of beer. My neighbor stopped by and suggested that I brew a coffee IPA. I was intrigued by the idea, so I started my research. First, I tried coffee after coffee off the shelves, but none stood out enough to put into my craft beer. Then, at that moment I considered, it had to be coffee I roasted and down the rabbit hole I went. I started to learn about coffee, I was retaining all things coffee. After watching many videos and reading many books, I felt ready to roast my first batch. I bought a drum style roaster that was fitted to my pellet grill. I roasted a few batches and some were good and some went straight to the trash - it happens. Then one day I was roasting an Ethiopian natural. Known to be floral and fruity, I wanted to experience those flavor notes for myself. That was the coffee that changed everything. I roasted a batch, bagged it up, and let it rest until the next day. When I opened the bag I was hit with this amazing aroma of dried strawberries and the brewed cup was equally amazing. At that moment I knew that roasting coffee was my new passion. Coffee is grown on millions of farms across more than 50 countries, so my goal is for every coffee drinker to experience new coffees and have that wow moment. I bought a bigger and better roaster, hooked it up to my computer to track my roasts and fine tune each roast profile, and here we are today. I have yet to make my coffee IPA, but I have roasted some amazing and delicious coffees along the way.